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American Flag Themed Pretzels
Writer's pictureTruth.Tramp

The Truth Tramp Mission

I'm on a mission to spread the truth. With all the craziness in the world and ability for people to create and spread fake or altered images, manipulated reports, clearly false statements, and the like, we've entered a time where no one knows what's real and what's not. Trust in the media has been diminished. People are believing anything that fits their already established beliefs and are unwilling to accept anything else as truth. It's scary times folks and I want to do my part to shed light on truth.

Full disclosure, I am left leaning, but to me the truth is far more important than anything else. I do research, a lot of research, and I look at things from all angles. I have very close friends who are full on Trump supporters and we have real conversations to understand each other's viewpoints... as it should be. I may not like Trump personally, but I give credit where credit is due. I also won't blindly support Biden just because he is a Democrat. I look at facts and use common sense and critical thinking to find the balanced, centered, unbiased reality.

I stick to the issues, current affairs, and track records. I don't believe in judging anyone based on their looks, gender, race, religion, sexual orientation, and for the most part their personal lives as long as it is legal, it's their business. I also won't put up with it in comments.

I promise to listen, to truly investigate and do my best to find facts and stick to them and share them without letting my own beliefs get in the way. If something is my opinion, I will make it clear and be straightforward about it. As you know it's a jungle out there, so I can say with 100% certainty that I won't be 100% correct 100% of the time... But I do promise to try.

I also promise to use left, right, and centered sources. To check and double check a variety of sources and cite them. I won't rely on Snopes or Politifact... I will actually do my own research.

Where the fine line between satire, conspiracy, and reality has been blurred, Truth Tramp wants to be a voice of reason, research, and real news. Because facts matter. I want the truth. The whole truth. Nothing but the truth.


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